The Extra Television
- Oct
- 01
- Posted by dustin sanchez
- Posted in Uncategorized
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So I purchased 2 TVs today…

Do you want one of these? I only need one.
Most of you know that I was am an attorney. But…did you know that I no longer practice law?
What does an extra 32″ HDTV have to do with any of this?
In 2008 I read The Four Hour Work Week, by Tim Ferris. That was the year I became unemployable.
I struggled through 2 more years of law school, knowing that I’d never be a lawyer. Oh well…live and learn.
Thank God for Kerry Kilburn…
After law school graduation, I began working for the Kilburn Law Firm. It was raining money in the Oil & Gas industry and thanks to Mr. Kilburn’s generous pay scale I was able to store up about $100,000 in my first 12 months.
Right around 2012-ish to 2013-ish, I realized that I knew enough about online marketing (and had enough Kilburn cash saved up) to start my own digital marketing agency.
My Big Break…
2008 wasn’t just the year I became unemployable, it was also the year I started reading everything I could about marketing, building websites, and experimenting with various forms of online marketing.
By 2013-ish, I was building websites and using them to make money. And I was getting good at putting websites on the first page of the Google search results.
This is the most financially valuable skill I have ever learned.
My big break came in 2014 when I discovered a group of online marketing experts who were willing to teach me how to make this into a business, i.e., they taught me how to make money.
Then I started putting lawyers, real estate agents, plastic surgeons, and a few other business owners on the first page of the Google search results.
People look at you funny when you make this promise to them…
I’m not just going to put you on the first page of Google, I’m going to put you in a higher tax bracket.
That’s what I tell my clients during our sales meetings. They kind of look at you funny when you say stuff like that.
Until they get that first phone call.
And then the next one, and the next, and the next….and then they start to realize that they’re about to pay off their student loans.
Earlier this year, my house was struck by lightning
A bolt of lightening struck my roof about 9 months ago, which fried my bedroom television. I’ve been so busy with the business that it wasn’t until today that I thought about replacing it.
Wal-Mart was selling these things for $172 + tax. I went to the register with one television, and a pair of Texas Longhorn house shoes for my brother in law Kevin.
I thought to myself, “Dude, I’d like to get to $20k/month before the end of October.”
Then I grabbed another television and decided to give it away in order to help grow my business.
How To Get Your FREE 32″ HDTV
This contest is only open to residents of the Greater Houston Area during October 2015
Step 1: Think of 3 people (business owners) that you know who would benefit from online marketing (someone who could be using their internet presence to generate new clients every month).
Step 2: Send 3 eMails
- Each email should be addressed to, and the respective personal email address of your friend, the business owner who could benefit from online marketing.
- Subject Header: Hi (insert friend’s name here), quick question
- Email body message: Hey (insert friend’s name here), it’s (insert your name here), just wanted to drop you a quick email about my attorney friend Dustin Sanchez…he is cc’d on this email. [Explain to your friend how you know me in 2 sentences or less.] Dustin used to practice Oil & Gas law in Houston, but now he owns one of the top digital marketing agencies in Houston. He helps businesses use the internet to get more clients. I don’t know if you are looking for any kind of marketing tips, but I asked Dustin to help you out. Would you like me to forward your number to him?
Step 3: Follow up with your friend
- 24-48 hours after sending that email ask your friend via telephone call, text message, or in person, if they read your email, if they want to talk to me about it, and inform them that if they agree to sit down with me over coffee, that you could win a 32″ HDTV. Then ask them to send their number to me via email.
The end goal here is for me and your business owner friend to sit down, in person, over coffee (probably at Starbucks) and spend 10-30 minutes chatting about online marketing for businesses.
I’m not going to try to sell or pitch my services to your friend, but maybe they know another business owner who could benefit from a web presence that automatically generates new clients month after month (on autopilot).
I’m just trying to expand my Houston network, and in order to do that, I need to talk to business owners.
So, if your email referrals result in more sit downs with business owners than anyone else, then you win the Television.