Real Estate Online Marketing Strategy That Works
- Dec
- 17
- Posted by dustin sanchez
- Posted in Houston SEO
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Real Estate Agent Update…DO YOU NEED TO SELL MORE HOMES?
6 months ago I promised a small real estate company that I could help them compete with Berkshire Hathaway & Sotheby’s International (their main competitors).

Expert SEO added $24,900 in one week (3% commissions)
Do you need more clients?
Want to work with someone who actually knows how to bring new clients to your business every month?
Then fill out my Client Discovery Form.
When you are trying to break into the Million & Multi-Million dollar home sales market, you have to be ready to compete with companies who are spending $50,000/month at online marketing. And if you don’t have $50k/month to throw at online marketing, then you better hire the BEST!
That’s it.
You are not going to dominate online real estate by having some $13/hr employee, sitting in a cubicle at some large cookie cutter “digital marketing company” handle your online marketing.
You might as well flush those marketing dollars down the toilet.
I speak to real estate agents and lawyers all the time, and they tell me that they are going to have the digital media department of Insert Newspaper Company Name Here handle their website marketing and search engine optimization, or that they are going to have the PHONE BOOK COMPANY handle their website marketing and SEO.
The newspaper?
The phone book company?
Are you freaking kidding me?
If you have ever paid the phone book company or the newspaper company a single dollar for online marketing, then you need to punch yourself in the face…with a refrigerator.
I make your phone ring.
I put you on page one of Google and make people call your business every month and beg you to take their money.
I use superior online marketing to put you in a higher tax bracket.
NOBODY…and I mean NOBODY, sitting in a cubicle, anywhere on earth, has the ability to do that.
This is not the realm of employees, so stop paying $8-$13/hr employees to market your business.
If you want to succeed online in the real estate niche, then you better be working directly with the owner.
WARNING!! I only take one real estate agent in each city so space is limited. If you want to work with me then…
>>>Click here to fill out my Client Discovery Form and see how much it would cost to put your business on Page One of Google.
See also…Facebook marketing for lawyers and real estate agents.